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The importance of obeying God

1 Samuel 15 shows us the importance of fully following God’s commands; not half-heartedly or just the parts we want to obey, but fully.  When the people of Israel demanded a king, God gave them Saul and He instructed Saul to utterly destroy the Amalekites; that was the command of God. However, Saul chose to save King Agag and the best of the animals for a later sacrifice to the Lord thus not carrying out the full command.  Does this sound familiar? 

Some believers today obey the commands they want and then twist other scripture to suit themselves.  This is not the will of the Lord.  The consequences of Saul’s disobedience were that God took away his power to be king and gave it to someone else.

Read 1 Samuel 15 for the full story of how the Lord expects us to obey Him and all His commands.  As believers in Jesus Christ, who died for our sins, we should be living a life directed by God and by Jesus.


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