Which life will you choose - good or evil?
Further reading at Isaiah 26:4 and Psalm 111:10
Temptation will always come your way. Follow Jesus and the evil one will seek every opportunity to take you away from Him. On the other hand, if you choose to follow the evil one instead, he doesn't need to bother with you because he already has you and that's why it can seem that unbelievers have it all. In reality, they don't have it all because the evil one has nothing to gain by going after them because they're already on his side.
There's an excellent clip from the film God's Not Dead explaining this and I've included the link below. The character visits his mother who has dementia in a care home and he questions why someone who has prayed and believed in God their whole life has a dementia.
So which life are you going to choose - God or the devil? Eternal life or the world? Good or evil? Remember that Isaiah 26:4 tells us Trust in the LORD forever, for in Yah, the LORD is everlasting strength.
Another scripture which explains clearly why we should follow Jesus is:-
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom. A good understanding have all those who do His commandment. His praise endures forever - Psalm 111:10
There are plenty of scriptures supporting why you should always choose God. If you haven’t found Jesus yet, now is the time to start praying and seeking Him. Time is running out so please don't wait too long. Peace and love to you all.
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